Elite Dangerous Fleet

While most of my Elite Dangerous fleet is located on my fleet carrier (currently in the Wala system at time of writing), I have established a small branch at Colonia, based in Tir. I am a ‘little’ fastidious with my organisation – even in games, so I have a numbering system for my ships. I generally have a policy of never selling a ship, so while I have a stable of ships which I habitually use, there are others which I have just kept for sentimental purposes (such as my first ever Sidewinder).

To keep track of all this I have developed a fleet registry, the hardest part of which is coming up with interesting ship names! I have also adopted an idea from one of my mates (a shoutout to Cmdr Sarachi), which is a registry suffix to track the number of times one of my ships has met an untimely end (though I’m not 100% sure of its accuracy, and for my early ships I just didn’t track this at all).

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